
Current Campaigns

Season of Creation 2024

The theme for this year's Season of Creation is "To Hope and Act with Creation". The symbol that will guide us is "The first fruits of hope," inspired by Romans 8:19- 25. DBGA has put together a few resources which you can use for this Campaign. View our Campaign Note which consists of our posters, social media resource kit for Season of Creation 2024 and much more!

Your 2024 Dream for Ecology!

As a Salesian how can we instill care for our planet? Don Bosco used to take his boys regularly on treks and nature trails. He loved nature and in his early childhood years worked on the farm. Jesus and our blessed Mother spoke to him in his dreams using different animals of nature. We see a deep connection with nature and creation in all his works from care for his poor boys, to taking them on nature treks and spending time outdoors. Don Bosco understood that we are not just part of creation but are one with the Creator and creation.

How can we then go forward with benevolence and without doubt that all created things come from God and must go back to Him for His praise, reverence and service. We must value all the gifts and carry gratitude in our hearts for all God’s creation and the created things we have received from his bounty. This is the attitude we must carry in every Salesian home. We must ask our beloved Blessed Mother to guide our efforts so that we can offer all our labour back to our creator who has bestowed all his blessings upon us.

Past Campaigns


In the words of Pope Francis - Nothing unites us to God more than an act of mercy, for it is by mercy that the Lord forgives our sins and gives us the grace to practice acts of mercy in his name.

As a spiritual work of mercy, care for our common home calls for a “grateful contemplation of God’s world” which “allows us to discover in each thing a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us”. As a corporal work of mercy, care for our common home requires “simple daily gestures which break with the logic of violence, exploitation and selfishness” and “makes itself felt in every action that seeks to build a better world”

Follow us on social media - dbgreenalliance - to journey with us during this Eco Lent 2024 campaign!


Let us work towards forming healthy habits through the cultivation of "ecological virtues".

Download the poster for Eco Advent and stay tuned to our social media channels for more content on celebrating an ecological Advent.

From September 1 to October 4, 2023, Christian Churches and communities will celebrate the Season of Creation, a period of prayer and reflection as stewards of God's creation.

“Care of creation, our mission”, missions and integral ecology: this is the theme of 2023 Salesian Mission Day, fruit of the collaboration between the Sector for the Missions and the Sector for Youth Ministry.

They have created a booklet in which you will find many interesting insights that will consider the vast theme of integral ecology from different points of view, starting precisely from the Salesian reflection that illustrates the entire path. Each of the contributions, which are a clear example of the richness of the Church, is preceded by a quotation from Pope Francis’ Laudato si’.

Celebrate Laudato Si' Week 2023 from May 21 to 28

A new edition of Laudato Si' Week will be held from May 21 to 28 to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si'. "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity", will be this year's guiding theme.

The film "The Letter," which tells the story of four "social poets" affected first-hand by the climate crisis who travel to Rome to meet Pope Francis, will be the main resource guiding the week's events, encouraging people to organize community screenings. Read More...

2023 - A Year of Eco Action!

The ecological crisis is getting worse daily, and we realise that it is impossible to resolve this global crisis only through science and technology or even through economic means or political powers. It is not simply about climate change mitigation, adaptation, or financial commitments such as the Loss and Damage Fund agreed  upon in the latest climate conference, COP27. (Jeyaraj SJ, 2022)

Christmas is a season of joy, happiness and giving. Globally, being the world's largest festival, Christmas engulfs the world with an army of sparkly decorative lights and homes filled with the aromas of warm Christmas dinners. 

Amid the world undergoing a green shift, Christmas is a festival that has stuck to its roots. 

We at the DBGA, are launching the Eco-Christmas campaign 2022. This campaign aims to tackle the footprint we leave behind that affects the environment during the festival season. We have created an Eco-Christmas booklet for this season of Christmas where you can go through and find out ways to help you lead an Eco-Christmas this year!

Guide to Celebrate Eco-Christmas 

Click to Download in : 

English | Spanish | French

Season of Creation 2022

“God is gloriously and mysteriously present in creation since he is the Lord who reigns over it. To discover this, we need to be silent, listen, contemplate.”  - Pope Francis

The Season of Creation has a special significance for the Catholic Church, particularly since Pope Francis established 1 September as an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. The Season of Creation unites the world’s 2.4 billion Christians from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment.

The theme of the 2022 Season of Creation is “Listen to the Voice of Creation” which was officially launched by global Christian leaders. God’s creation cries out ever louder and suffers more every day amidst the ongoing climate emergency and biodiversity crisis.

To recapture the ability to contemplate the beauty of God’s creation the Don Bosco Green Alliance has come up with a list of engaging activities for the young. We warmly invite all Salesian institutions to jointly participate in the suggested activities. 

World Environment Day 2022 Campaign 

#OnlyOneEarth  |  June 5th - July 31st

Our Earth is facing a triple planetary emergency. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution are the symptoms of human actions over the years. The UN campaign #OnlyOneEarth highlights the need to reset balance with nature through transformative changes in how we eat, live, work and move around. As a response to this campaign, the Don Bosco Green Alliance will channel its actions on Sustainable Lifestyles and Sustainable Innovation addressing students, youth, and institutions.

Let's Recycle Up!  - A Campaign for Global Recycling Day 2022

18th March - 15th April

Every year our landfills get dumped with billion tons of waste. The piling up of this waste is at the expense of the Earth’s natural resources. The five important natural resources that are linked to our sustenance are water, air, soil, fossil fuels and minerals. With the increase in consumption, these resources are rapidly depleting. If we continue with this way of life we will have destroyed most of the Earths’ supporting habitat.

Our future, therefore, lies in Recycling. Recycling can save our planet! Each year this ‘Sixth Resource’ (recyclables) saves over 700 million tonnes of CO2 emissions and this is projected to increase to 1 billion tons by 2030.

Lets recycle up

With increased pressure from the climate, we know that we have to reduce our carbon footprint to reverse the effects of the climate shift that is taking place. Realistically, recycling is a great alternative to reduce the carbon generated in all of the major production cycles, which can create relief for the resources that are needed to build such products.

Recycling is promoted all over the world and it is an already established method to reliably reduce the trash as well. Recycling all over the world is encouraged, but yet it hasn't reached the global level of effectiveness that is needed to be accomplished. 

With this new campaign, let us all get together and promise ourselves to learn more about recycling and sincerely try our best to recycle. 

Click here to learn more from our resources

Living with Nature

World Wildlife Day Campaign 2022

24th Feb - 3rd March

Our Earth is bestowed with fascinating flora and fauna spread across diverse ecosystems. The Amazon rainforest, the Congo Basin, the vast deserts of inland Australia, the land of Antarctica. These diverse ecosystems are home to breath-taking species of wildlife.

However, over the last century, we have witnessed a massive loss of biodiversity across the planet. It is estimated that over a million species are threatened with extinction. Much of the extinction is caused due to human activity such as illegal trade, mining, overexploitation of resources & deforestation for agricultural activities.

A Laudato Si Year Campaign

On World Environment Day 2020, Don Bosco institutions, organizations, and networks all over the world will participate in our campaign – Rethink, Reconnect, Renew.  

Make Every Drop Count

World Wetland Day is celebrated every year on 2nd February. Similarly, 22nd March is celebrated as World Water Day. Don Bosco Green Alliance is celebrating these two global events around water in 2020 through the campaign – Make Every Drop Count. 

Through this campaign, we aim to create awareness around water conservation, the global water crisis and the need for action to save our water sources. We also urge our members to adopt best practices for saving water, efficient water usage and offer simple solutions to this global problem. 

Click on the link below to download the campaign note. 

Don't Suffocate Our Future

For World Environment Day 2019, Don Bosco institutions, organizations, and networks all over the world made the demand of young people heard, both, by civil society and especially by decision-makers.  Accordingly, Don Bosco Network (DBN) and Don Bosco Green Alliance (DBGA), promoted the campaign, Don’t Suffocate Our Future, for World Environment Day 2019.

Keep It Clean

Aligning with World Clean Up Day 2019, the Keep It Clean Campaign was launched in August 2019 with a focus on waste reduction within member organisations.

World Cleanup Day is celebrated on the 21st of September. The first world clean up day was celebrated on 15th September 2018, wherein 18 million people from over 158 countries took part. Over 88500 tonnes of waste was collected. Members of the Don Bosco Green Alliance also participated in this event last year.

World Clean Up Day 2018

On 15th September 2018, 15 million of people in 158 countries united to clean up our world by celebrating WORLD CLEAN UP DAY. It aimed to be the biggest civic action in human history. Volunteers came together to rid our planet of trash – cleaning up litter and mismanaged waste from our beaches, rivers, forests and streets. The movement harnessed the power of everyday people to achieve incredible things by coming together. The event definitely witnessed an enthusiastic participation from members of the Don Bosco Green Alliance! Cleanup activities by Don Bosco institutions were conducted before, on and even beyond 15th September!

Member institutions from 4 countries – Australia, India, Ghana and Rwanda participated in the event. With around 20 organisations and close to 2000 participants the event witnessed great enthusiasm amongst members of the alliance.

World Environment Day 2018

Member institutions from India, Nepal, Ghana and Rwanda organised awareness programs and cleanup campaigns on 5th June 2018 – World Environment Day. Various activities were held to highlight the harmful effects of single use plastics. They also pledged to reduce single use plastics on a personal and at an institutional level. Member institutions conducted activities before and after 5th June 2018 as part of the World Environment Day Programme.